“Reward of praying whole night."

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Reward of praying whole night." * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated by Abu Dhar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * " (In Ramadan) Indeed, whoever stands (praying) with the Imam until he finished, then it is recorded for him that he prayed the whole night". * [Jami at-Tirmidhi, Book 3, 806-Sahih] ✦ Note: * According to scholars, the people who arrive in the Masjid after Imam has already started night prayer (Qayaam Al-Lail) they cannot get this reward, and also the one who left after offering few rakah (unit) prayers, they also cannot get this reward of whole night praying". * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت ابو ذر رضی الله عنہ سے روایت کی رسول الله محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: * "جس نے (رمضان میں) امام کے ساتھ قیام شروع کیا اور قیام کے ختم ہونے تک اس کے ساتھ نماز پڑھتا رہا تو اس کے لیے ساری رات کے قیام کا ثواب لکھ...