
Showing posts from January, 2023

“Asr prayer.”/“Asar ki namaz”.

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Asr prayer.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Abu Basra Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) led us in the Asr prayer at (the place known as) ‘Mukhammas’ and then said - * “This prayer was presented to those gone before you, but they lost it, and he who guards it has two rewards in store for him. And no prayer is valid after till the onlooker appears” (by onlooker is meant the evening star). * [Sahih Muslim, Book 4, 1809] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت ابوبصرہ غفاری رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمدﷺ نے ہمارے ساتھ عصر کی نماز پڑھی مخمص میں (ایک مقام کا نام) اور فرمایا: * "یہ نماز تم سے اگلوں کے سامنے پیش کی گئی اور انہوں نے اس کو ضائع کیا۔ پھر جو اس کی حفاظت کرے، اس کو دوگنا ثواب ہو گا اور اس کے بعد کوئی نماز نہیں، جب تک کہ شاہد نہ نکلے"۔ اور شاہد سے مراد ستارہ ہے۔ * _ صحیح مسلم، جلد٢، ١٩٢٧ _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈

“Whoever does not guard his prayers then on the Day of Judgement he will be with Qaroon,

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Whoever does not guard his prayers then on the Day of Judgement he will be with Qaroon, Pharaoh, Haman and Ubay ibn Khalaf.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: One day the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) mention prayer and he said - * “Whoever guards his prayers will have light and clarity and salvation on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever does not guard his prayers will not have light nor clarity nor salvation, and on the Day of Judgement he will be with Qaroon, Pharaoh, Haman and Ubay ibn Khalaf”. * [Masnad Ahmed, 6398-Sahih] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت عبد الله بن عمر رضی الله عنہ سے مروی ہے کہ ایک دن رسول الله محمد ﷺ نے نماز کا ذکر کرتے ہوئے فرمایا: * "جو شخص اس کی پابندی کرے گا تو یہ اس کے لئے قیامت کے دن روشنی، دلیل اور نجات کا سبب بن جائے گی اور جو شخص نماز کی پابندی نہیں کرے گا تو وہ اس کے لئے روشنی، دلیل ا

“Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler…”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Hadith: * “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler…” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Abdullah Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) hold of my shoulder and said - * “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler”. * The sub-narrator added: Abdullah Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say - * “If you survive till the evening, do not expect to be alive in the morning, and if you survive till the morning, do not expect to be alive in the evening, and take from your health for your sickness, and (take) from your life for your death”. * [Sahih Bukhari, Book 76, 425] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت عبدالله بن عمر رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمدﷺ نے میرا شانہ پکڑ کر فرمایا: * "دنیا میں اس طرح رہو جیسے مسافر ہو یا راستہ چلنے والا ہو"۔ * عبدالله بن عمر رضی الله عنہ فرمایا کرتے تھے: * "شام

“Whoever changes the bequest after hearing it, the sin shall be on those who make the change."

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom: * “Whoever changes the bequest after hearing it, the sin shall be on those who make the change." * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Al Quran: * “It is prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you, if he leaves wealth, that he makes a bequest to parents and next of kin, according to reasonable manners. (This is) a duty upon the righteous. Then whoever changes the bequest after hearing it, the sin shall be on those who make the change. Truly, Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.” * [Al Quran, Surah Al-Baqara (2), Verse 180-181] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• القرآن: * "تم پر فرض کیا گیا ہے، کہ جب تم میں سے کسی کی موت کا وقت آ جائے، اگر وہ مال چوڈھے تو ماں باپ اور رشتےداروں کے لئے مناسب طور پر وصیت کرے۔ یہ پرہیزگارو پر حق ہے۔ جو شخص وصیت کو سننے کے بعد بدل ڈالے تو اسکا گناہ انہی لوگو پر ہے جو اسکو بدل دے.بیشک، الله سبحانہو سننے اور جاننے والا ہے"۔ * _ القرآن، سوره البقرہ ٢، آیات ١٨٠-١٨١ _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom: * “Jo

“4 rakahs (units) to be prayed after Juma/Friday prayer."

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “4 rakahs (units) to be prayed after Juma/Friday prayer." * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “When any one of you prays Jumah (Friday’s obligatory prayer), let him pray four (rakahs/units) after that”. * [Sunan Nasaii, Vol 1, 1427-Sahih] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: * "جب تم میں سے کوئی جمعہ کی (فرض) نماز پڑھ چکے تو اسے چاہیئے کہ اس کے بعد چار رکعت نماز ادا کرے"۔ * _ سنن النسائي، جلد ١، ١٤٢٩-صحیح _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Jumay ki namaz ke baad 4 rakat padhna chaahiye.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (Roman Urdu): Hazrat Abu Hurairah (radi Allahu anhu) se rivayat hai ki Rasool-Allah, Muhammad (ﷺ sallAllahu alaihi wasallam) ne farmaya - * “Jab tum mein se koi Jumay ki (Farz) namaz

"Fasting during the month of Rajab.

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * "Fasting during the month of Rajab. * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadiths (English): ✦ Uthman bin Hakim Al-Ansari (may Allah be pleased with him) said I asked Saeed b. Jubayr / Jubair (may Allah be pleased with him) about fasting In Rajab, and we were then passing through the month of Rajab, whereupon he said: I heard Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) as saying - * "The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) used to observe fast (so continuously) that we (were inclined) to say that he would not break (them) and did not observe them so continuously) that we (were inclined to say) that he would not observe fast". * [Sahih Muslim, Book 6, 2585] ✦ It was narrated that Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) said - * "My beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) advised me to do three things which I will never give up if Allah wills. He advised me to pray Duha, to

Dua to congratulate a person after the marriage."

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * Dua to congratulate a person after the marriage." * * «بارك الله لك وبارك عليك وجمع بينكما في خير» * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that * “when the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) congratulated a man on his marriage, he said: * --- * بَارَكَ اللَّهُ لَكَ وَبَارَكَ عَلَيْكَ وَجَمَعَ بَيْنَكُمَا فِي خَيْرٍ * --- * BaarakAllahu laka wa baaraka alaika wa jama’aa baynakuma fi khair. * --- * May Allah bless for you, and may He bless on you and combine both of you in good (works)”. * [Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 11, 2125-Sahih] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ * "رسول الله محمدﷺ جب کسی شخص کو شادی کی مبارکباد دیتے تو فرماتے: «بارك الله لك وبارك عليك وجمع بينكما في خير» الله تعالیٰ تم کو برکت دے، اور اس برکت کو قائم ودائم رکھے، اور تم دونوں کو خیر پر جمع کر دے"۔ * _ سنن أبي داود، جلد

“4 units sunnah rakah before the obligatory / farz prayer of Al-Asr…"

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Hadith: * “4 units sunnah rakah before the obligatory / farz prayer of Al-Asr…" * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadiths (English): ❶ Narrated Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that * “The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) used to pray four rakah (sunnah) before (the obligatory / farz prayer of) Al-Asr”. * [Jami At-Tirmizi, Book 2, 429-Hasan] ❷ Narrated Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “May Allah have mercy upon a person who prays four (units sunnah rakah) before (the obligatory / farz prayer of) Al-Asr”. * [Jami At-Tirmizi, Book 2, 430-Hasan] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت علی رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ * "رسول الله محمدﷺ عصر (کی فرض نماز) سے پہلے چار رکعتیں پڑھتے تھے"۔ * _ جامع الترمذي، جلد ۲، ٤١٠ _ حضرت ابن عمر رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: * "الله تعالیٰ اس شخص پر رحم کرے جس نے ع

“Supremacy of Salah/prayer prayed in congregation.”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Supremacy of Salah/prayer prayed in congregation.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ►Hadith (English): The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammed (ﷺ  peace be upon him) said - * “The salah/prayer of two (2) men (in congregation), one of them leading the other, is better before Allah than the prayer of eight (8) praying separately and the prayer of four (4) men, one of them leading the others is better before Allah than the prayer of one hundred (100) praying separately”. * [Al Silsila As Sahiha, 629] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• رسول الله محمد ﷺ نے فرمایا: * "دو آدمیوں کی نماز كہ ان میں سے ایك امامت كروائے، الله كے نزدیك تنہا پڑھی جانے والی آٹھ نمازوں سے بہتر ہے اور چار آدمیوں كی نماز كہ ان میں سے ایك شخص امامت كروائے الله كے نزدیك ان سو نمازوں سے بہتر ہے جو کے تنہا پڑھی جائیں"۔ * _ السلسلہ صحیحہ، ٦٢٩ _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Jamaat ke saath padhi jane wali Namaz ki Fazilat.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈•

"The likeness of this world in comparison to the Hereafter is that…”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Hadith: * "The likeness of this world in comparison to the Hereafter is that…” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated by Mustawrid (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * "The likeness of this world in comparison to the Hereafter is that of anyone of you dipping his finger into the sea, let him see what he brings forth”. * [Sunan ibn Majah, Vol. 1, Book 37, 4108-Sahih] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت مستورد رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: * "دنیا کی مثال، آخرت کے مقابلے میں ایسی ہی ہے جیسے تم میں سے کوئی اپنی انگلی سمندر میں ڈالے، پھر دیکھے کہ کتنا پانی اس کی انگلی میں لگتا ہے"۔ * _ سنن ابن ماجع، جلد ٣، ٩٨٩-صحيح _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Duniya ki misaal, aakhirat ke muqable mein aisee hai jaisey…” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (Roman Urdu): Hazrat Mustawrid (radi Allahu anhu) se rivayat hai

“The people will soon summon one another to attack you.”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Hadith: * “The people will soon summon one another to attack you.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Thawban (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish". * Someone asked: * "Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?" * He, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) replied - * "No, you will be numerous at that time; but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts". * Someone asked: * "What is wahn (enervation) Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)?" * He, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) replied - * "Love of the world and dislike of death.” * [Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 38, 4

“What is backbiting?”/“Chugli kya hai?”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “What is backbiting?” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadiths (English): ❶ The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “Do you know what is backbiting?” * They (the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them) said - * “Allah and his Prophet knows best”. * Thereupon, he Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “Convey the message of someone to other, in such a way that it creates Fitna (trouble/conflict) between them”. * [Al Silsila tus Sahiha, 5] ❷ Narrated Hudhaifa (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “The tale-bearer (a person who spreads gossip, secrets that may cause trouble or harm) shall not enter Paradise”. * [Sahih Muslim, Book 1, 189] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• رسول الله محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: * "جانتے ہو چغلی کیا ہے؟" * صحابہ رضی الله عنھما نے کہا: * "الله اور اس کا رسول بہتر جانتے ہیں"۔ * رسول ا

“Allah named you muslims...”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Al Quran: * “Allah named you muslims...” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Al Quran: * "And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you in the religion any difficulty. [It is] the religion of your father, Abraham. Allah named you muslims before [in former scriptures] and in this [revelation] that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people. So establish prayer and give zakah and hold fast to Allah. He is your protector; and excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper". * [Al-Quran, Surah Al-Hajj (22), Verse-78] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• القرآن: * "اور الله (کی راہ) میں جہاد کرو جیسا جہاد کرنے کا حق ہے۔ اس نے تم کو اپنے کام کے لیے چن لیا ہے اور تم پر دین کی (کسی بات) میں تنگی نہیں کی۔ (اور تمہارے لئے) تمہارے باپ، ابراہیم کا دین (پسند کیا)۔ اُسی نے پہلے (یعنی پہلی کتابوں میں) تمہارا نام مسلمان رکھا تھا اور اس کتاب میں بھی (وہی نام رکھا

“Reward for a person who demonstrates patience & praises Allah even after child’s death

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Reward for a person who demonstrates patience & praises Allah even after child’s death.” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Abu Sinan (may Allah be pleased with him) said that he buried his son, Sinan. Meanwhile, Abu Talha Khawlani was sitting at the edge of a grave. When they were departing, he held him by the hand and said - * “Shall I not give you the good news, O Abu Sinan?” * He said - * “Certainly!” * So he narrated that Dahhak ibn Abdur Rahman ibn Arzab reported to him on the authority of Abu Musa Ashari (may Allah be pleased with him) that Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “When someone’s son dies, Allah asks the angels ‘Did you take away the son of My slave?’ They say ‘Yes‘. He asks ‘Did you take away the fruit of his heart?’ They say ‘Yes’. So, He asks ‘What did My slave say?’ They say ‘He praised you and said return is towards you (means he said inna l

“The Friday prayer in congregation is a necessary duty for every Muslim, with four exceptions..

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “The Friday prayer in congregation is a necessary duty for every Muslim, with four exceptions...” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Tariq ibn Shihab (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “The Friday prayer in congregation is a necessary duty for every Muslim, with four exceptions; a slave, a woman, a boy, and a sick person”. * [Sunan Abu Dawood, Book 3, Hadith 1062-Sahih] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت طارق بن شهاب رضی الله عنه سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمد ﷺ نے فرمایا: * "جمہ کی نماز جماعت کے ساتھ ہر مسلمان پر واجب ہے سواے چار کے; ایک تو غلام پر، دوسرا عورت پر، تیسرا بچچے پر اور چوتھا بیمار پر (جمہ کی نماز واجب نہیں)"۔ * _ سُنن ابو داوود،جلد ١، ١٠٥٥-صحیح _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “Jumay ki namaz jamaat ke saath har musalman par wajib hai siwaye chaar ke...” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (Roman Urdu

“And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge).”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Al Quran: * “And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge).” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ✦ Al Quran: * “And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him. And We are nearer to him than his jugular vein (by Our Knowledge). (Remember) that the two receivers (recording angels) receive (each human being), one sitting on the right and one on the left (to note his or her actions). Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it).” * [Al Quran, Surah Qaf (50), Verses 16-19] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• القرآن: * "اور ہم ہی نے انسان کو پیدا کیا ہے اور جو خیالات اس کے دل میں گزرتے ہیں ہم ان کو جانتے ہیں۔ اور ہم اس کی رگ جان سے بھی اس سے زیادہ قریب ہیں۔ جب (وہ کوئی کام کرتا ہے تو) دو لکھنے والے جو دائیں بائیں بیٹھے ہیں، لکھ لیتے ہیں۔ کوئی بات اس کی زبان پر نہیں آتی مگر ایک نگہبان اس کے پاس تیار رہتا ہے۔" * _ القرآن، سورۃ ق (۵۰)، آیت ۱۶-۱۹ _ •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈ ✦

“While take ‘bath because of sexual defilement’, there is no harm if the woman does not undo or open her hair…”

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-e-Hadith: * “While take ‘bath because of sexual defilement’, there is no harm if the woman does not undo or open her hair…” * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Shurayh ibn Ubayd said: Jubayr ibn Nufayr gave me a verdict about the ‘bath because of sexual defilement’ that Thawban (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that he asked the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) about it. He, Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) replied - * “As regards man, he should undo (open) the hair of his head and wash it until the water should reach the roots of the hair but there is no harm if the woman does not undo (open) it (her hair) and pour three handfuls of water over her head”. * [Sunan Abu Dawood, Vol 1, Book 1, 255-Sahih] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت شریح بن عبید کہتے ہیں: حضرت جبیر بن نفیر نے مجھے غسل جنابت کے متعلق مسئلہ بتایا کہ حضرت ثوبان رضی الله عنہ نے ان سے حدیث بیان کی ہے کہ انہوں نے رسول الله محمدﷺ س

“If Allah loves a person then He calls (Angel) Gabriel and says…'

* Bismillah-hir-Rahman-nir-Rahim * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ★ Mafhoom-ul-Quran: * “If Allah loves a person then He calls (Angel) Gabriel and says…' * •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• ► Hadith (English): Narrated Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ peace be upon him) said - * “If Allah loves a person, He calls (Angel) Gabriel saying: 'Allah loves so and so; O Gabriel, love him'. Gabriel would love him and then Gabriel would make an announcement among the residents of the Heaven: 'Allah loves so-and-so, therefore, you should love him also'. So, all the residents of the Heavens would love him and then he is granted the pleasure of the people of the earth”. * [Sahih Bukhari, Vol 8, Book 73, 66] •┈┈┈┈••✦✿✦••┈┈┈┈• حضرت ابو ہریرہ رضی الله عنہ سے روایت ہے کہ رسول الله محمدﷺ نے فرمایا: * "جب الله کسی بندہ سے محبت کرتا ہے تو (فرشتے) جبرائیل علیہ السلام کو آواز دیتا ہے کہ الله فلاں بندے سے محبت کرتا ہے تم بھی اس سے محبت کرو۔ جبرا